
Founded in July 12, 2001, by the journalist Heloísa Paiva, Press Página develops Communication Projects aligned with your brand’s growth strategy – whether it represents a private company, a group or a class entity. Our team combines the knowledge of experienced journalists with the creativity of young professionals. We dive deep into your universe, studying the market and identifying the main lines of action to stablish the best possible relationship with your public of interest. Thus, we invest in an integrated communication in 360°.


To know the business and the client’s goals as if they were our own, putting in practice a strategical communication plan as an expansion tool.


To exceed our costumer’s expectations through a dynamic relationship focused on results.


High power of communication

High rates of results

Perfect texts



Agility in client service

Rua Lord Cockrane, 255 conj.2 ‐ Ipiranga ‐ 04213-000 ‐ São Paulo ‐ SP

(55-11) 98547-0170