
Estudo brasileiro sobre ‘lipoestrutura facial’ faz sucesso na América do Norte


O cirurgião plástico Marco Túlio Junqueira Amarante está colhendo frutos do estudo apresentado durante o 12º Congresso da Sociedade Internacional de Cirurgia Craniofacial, que tem sede em Montreal (Canadá). Com o tema ‘lipoestrutura facial’, Amarante comprovou que a técnica é eficaz e mostra excelentes resultados quando empregada como coadjuvante de uma cirurgia dos ossos da face.

“A única limitação do método é a quantidade de gordura do próprio paciente a ser injetada em um único local, com a finalidade de restaurar a aparência do paciente que é vítima de acidentes, doenças degenerativas ou câncer. Já para fins estéticos, a lipoestrutura tem tido ótima repercussão, por conta de sua capacidade de preenchimento dos sulcos formados pelos efeitos do envelhecimento”, diz o especialista. ♣

Segue abaixo o resumo do estudo apresentado à ISCFS:

Lipostructure: An Efficient Adjunct To Facial Contour

Presenter: Marco T.J. Amarante, MD

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of lipostructure as an adjunct to the enhancement of facial contour, whether as an accessory to bone surgery or a substitute to it, since not all patients seek or accept bone reshaping of the face.
Lipostructure, as proposed by Coleman, appears to be long-lasting or even permanent and current research points to the possibility of adipose-derived stem cells, abundantly present in liposuction aspirates, being responsible for this effect and other healing effects on surrounding tissues.
Materials and Methods
Twenty consecutive patients treated with lipostructure, between 2002 – 2006, for enhancement of facial contour, whether as the sole procedure or in complement to bone surgery, were reviewed to evaluate the aesthetic result, as far as volume and projection maintenance. Patients included those in need of more bony projection in the chin, maxilla and malar area, or filling of facial contour deformities in the nose and frontal area. Follow-up was 4 to 55 months, with a mean of 21,42 months.
All patients showed maintenance of volume and projection achieved by lipostructure, even though some patients could benefit from a second or third session of fat grafting to achieve complete correction of their contour deformity. In this series there were no complications.
Lipostructure was in this series an effective adjunct to facial contour enhancement, whether alone or as an accessory to bone surgery. Limitation of this method is the amount of fat to be placed in a single session in order to ensure graft survival. Future research should be directed at determining the reasons for the successful outcome of this type of fat grafting, whether because of graft survival alone or regeneration of surrounding tissues by action of adipose-derived stem cells. ♣

Fonte: Dr. Marco Túlio Junqueira Amarante, membro titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (

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